Cocoa Healing Collective
A Natural Way to Heal
Unavailable for public consumption. Not Nice, For Most or Your Negro
I’m an experienced Massage Therapist in Ypsilanti and a firm believer in taking a holistic approach to healing. Through my practice, I strive to align patients and promote well-being in order to keep the mind, body and spirit healthy.
I feel called and led to do the work I do. I am truly grateful for each and every person who entrusts their body in my hands. Massage is personal. Touch is personal. I don't take that lightly. What you can expect here is a massage that will listen to your body, and help peel away tension and other things that no longer serve you.

Balance Your Chi

Trigger Point Therapy
Natural Healing

My Mission
Better Treatments
I was blessed with the healing energies to restore the health of my patients and improve their lives through alternative treatments. I am mainly a dedicated Massage Therapist, but I often use or recommend other alternative methods for ongoing treatment. My ultimate goal is to heal, but also to teach my patients a better approach to their own health. Get in touch to find out what I can offer you.

Balance Your Chi

Trigger Point Therapy
Natural Healing

Audre Lorde
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare”